Today’s LIVE show with Attorney Andrew Branca of Law of Self Defense will focus on a case out of Wyoming that is a great case example of why representing yourself as your own attorney is a bad idea–and also why a superficial understanding of the law can be an extremely dangerous thing.
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You carry a gun so you’re hard to kill.
Know the law so you’re hard to convict.
Stay safe!
Attorney Andrew F. Branca
Law of Self Defense LLC
Law of Self ...
On November 30 a civil lawsuit was filed against the Sig Sauer firearms company in Federal court in New Hampshire. The suit is brought by no fewer than 20 plaintiffs, all with similar claims--that the company's P320 pistol was defectively designed, that this defect caused them serious injury, and that Sig Sauer should be held liable for those injuries.
Here's that filing:
This suit is of particular interest to me in that I've carried a variety of Sig pistols--including for many years the P320--for personal protection. I was also for more than a decade a subject matter expert adjunct instructor at the Sig Academy on use-of-force law.
That said, my expertise is use-of-force law, and this is a civil suit--so I've invited on Attorney Dani Ahn, an experienced civil litigator, to share her expert insights into this lawsuit. Dani also has her own brand-new YouTube channel, and I urge you to take a look at that and subscribe! You can find her YouTube channel ...
In the afternoon of February 23, 2020 then-District Attorney Jackie Johnson was informed that "jogger" Ahmaud Arbery had earlier that afternoon been shot and killed by the son of her former lead investigator. This former work relationship raising a potential conflict of interest, Johnson immediately referred the case over to a DA from a different county.
Those few hours, in which Johnson made no substantive decisions related to the Arbery shooting other than the conflict referral, was the entirety of her official involvement in the handling of this matter. The Georgia Attorney General was duly advised of this conflict referral on February 27th, 2020, three days after the shooting.
Despite her conduct being cleared of wrongdoing following an investigation by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, Ms. Johnson lost her next election for DA, and worse was indicted by the Georgia Attorney General on charges of violation of her oath of office (a 5-year felony) and hindering law enforcement (a misdemeanor).
The evidence for ...
This past Sunday a man decided to commit an armed robbery of clerk working in a California convenience store. When the robber fled with the stolen goods, the clerk retrieved his own gun and pursued, firing at the fleeing robber. The robber then used his own gun to shoot and kill the clerk.
Many were surprised when Contra Costa County District Attorney Diana Becton then decided that she would not press a murder charge against the armed robber, on the grounds that the robber was acting in lawful self-defense when he killed the clerk.
Join me to discuss the legalities of this case and this DA's decision TODAY, at Noon ET!
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This live show covers the Burlington Coat Factory police shooting in North Hollywood CA that occurred this past Thursday, and accidentally killed a 14-year-old girl, as well, the just published interview of one of the Kim Potter jurors.
January 8, 2022
Covers all 50 states!
Streamed live online using Zoom
NOTE: If you would like a comment or question addressed by Attorney Branca, please provide it through member/supporter access at either or at
FREE BOOK! "The Law of Self Defense" Physical book, 200+ pages, we just ask that you cover the S&H:
FREE 5-ELEMENTS INFOGRAPHIC: Totally free infographic explaining the 5-elements of any claim of self-defense, if you don't understand these 5-elements you cannot have any idea what lawful self-defense consists of, PDF download, zero cost: ...
With all due respect Branca, not sure if you were drinking, but you sounded like a petulant child while talking to Undead Chronic. He started off trying to have a reasonable conversation, but you got very emotional very quickly and the conversation degenerated very quickly. Not your best showing.
Edit: Nevermind, I saw the rest and it looks like you buried the hatchet. You guys were having fun.
1. Regarding the Rondale King case. I am hoping Andrew can inform us why the public defender attorney could not get a subpoena to acquire the call and text messages of both the woman who was forced to leave King's home and the person shot. The one individual identified through jail records could also have text messages as well as voice call records to support the shooter's suggestion that there were multiple aggressors. While the phone itself was lost the record on the server should still remain. this bit of inquiry was not explored in the interview earlier this week. Am I missing something?
2. Again in the King case. did the public defender know about you prior to the trial. i understand that she contacted you shortly after the verdict, but it was not clear what she knew about your work prior to the trial. IMO this was not made clear during the interview. Please clarify.
3. Regarding the gun versus fist case. My concern had to with the possibility of interpreting the statement of the ...
Mr Branca - This happened in my neighborhood, thought you might find this interesting.